Tap/ Ballet Basics (6-8)
A graduated combo class for children who have taken Primary Tap or Primary Ballet, this class continues to build upon the vocabulary and rhythmic dynamics of the previous classes. Students will begin working on moving across the floor, as well as creating breaks of movement and repetition patterns. Students will also begin working on proper placement and technique of the body and feet and will be introduced to the Cecchetti Method of ballet theory. This 1-hour class is a performance-based class and will participate in our year-end recital via our “SpecTAPular", as well as our "Ballet Suite".
*Students who have not yet taken Primary Tap/ Ballet or at least (1) year of Tap/ Ballet elsewhere will be placed in the appropriate class based on level first, not age.

Pom/ Cheer 1 (6-8)
A jazz technique/ hip hop combo class, Pom focuses on the elements of sideline cheerleading without vigorous tumbling or stunting. A collegiate dance team style of dance, Pom/ Cheer focuses on performance ability and choreography through formation and level changes, as well as hyping up the audience! This high-energy class will promote flexibility and basic acrobatic skills, such as cartwheels, backbends/ walkovers, splits, and somersaults. Jazz technique using high kicks, turns, and upper body movement precision will also be of focus. This 1-hour class is a performance-based class and will participate in our year-end recital. *Our pom-poms will need to be purchased in Holographic Black for this class.
Triple Threat (6-8)
THE ultimate combo class!
This combination class includes (3) styles of dance, all in one class! Tap, ballet, and hip-hop street jazz are instructed in a technique-based setting, including small-combination choreography, as well as movement across the floor and basic barre warmups. This class is encouraged for those beginner dancers who are just starting dance, and/or our Theatre performers who would like to explore their dancing skills in preparation for future competition/ Theatre Troupe audition opportunities. This class is a performance-based class and will participate in our year-end recital at the discretion of the instructor via style/ routine.
Hip Hop Street Jazz (7-11)
This class is a fast-paced and energetic dance style using the latest street/ popular dance moves set to new and old hip-hop beats and tracks. Hip-hop encompasses a wide range of street and codified styles including breaking, popping, and locking. It specifically focuses on developing rhythm and coordination while encouraging individual style. This 1-hour class is a performance-based class and will participate in our year-end recital. *Audition placement will be required for students who have taken hip-hop classes elsewhere/ fulfill age requirements but not skill level.