Studio Policies & Procedures
Performance Based Curriculum

Recital/ showcases are mandatory for all classes as our studio is performance-based. If you are not interested in our Dance Recital, normal Winter/ Spring Semester classes will not be available after the registration cutoff date. Theatre classes will perform in a showcase each semester and participation is required to enroll.
Quality vs. Quantity
We value quality over quantity and aspire to give the best possible education to your student. Consistency is key. Trials will not be eligible for enrollment after the Winter/ Spring enrollment period ends due to the nature of preparation that has already accrued for currently enrolled students. We feel that new dynamics brought into the class not only disrupt the growth of the current students but do not instill a confident transition into class for the trial student either. Trial students who wish to enroll may do so for the following Fall semester and will be included in the priority registration dates/ pricing benefits that currently enrolled students receive.

All classes are drop-off classes. A parent observation date will be held once per semester. Make-ups will be allowed (4) per year (September- April). If a student consistently misses class, it not only prohibits the progress of the remaining students but your student as well. Make-up classes must be done at the appropriate age and level and must be approved by the director. Tuition will not be prorated due to missed class. Excused absences for family emergencies, extended illness, etc. can be discussed with the director privately to arrange the proper course of action.
Registration Dates
Dance Registration continues on a rolling basis until 2/1.
Theatre Registration for our Winter Showcase closes on 11/15.
Theatre Registration for our Spring Musical opens on 12/1 and closes on 3/1.
Fall/ Winter semester: September 9th- February 1st
Spring semester: February 3rd- June 21st
Tuition Breakdown
Semester tuition, inclusive of any costume payments, performance fees, or registration fees will be compiled into (1) total and then broken down into even monthly payments. Paying in full will result in a 5% discount.
Credit card payments will be automatically processed on the 1st of the month unless tuition has been paid in full.
*Credit card processing fees will apply. Cash/ check accepted. A $20 negligent check fee will be added to your account should a check not be processed correctly. The yearly class schedule is inclusive of a guaranteed minimum amount of 16 classes, regardless of holidays and/or breaks. All class days receive at least the minimum amount of classes congruent with our calendar to prepare our students for their performances.
$80/ student monthly- 45-minute class
$90/ student monthly- 1-hour class
$150/ student monthly- Theatre Troupe or Triple Threat
*Company Fees are exclusive and vary by dancer/ performer
Multi-Class or Sibling Family Discount- 5% after (2) or more classes
$30 Yearly Registration Fee Per Family At Enrollment
Performance Fee (Theatre Classes): $40/ semester (Includes costume/accessories/tights/props) Per class
Recital Fee (Dance Rec Classes): $80 (Includes costume/accessories/tights/props) Per class

Company/ Theatre Troupe
By invitation/ audition, intermediate and advanced dancers may become members of our Company and/or Theatre Troupe. Company & Theatre Troupe members attend (3) or more dance competitions a year and also perform in the community at festivals, holiday gatherings, parades, and more. An honor to be a part of and an even greater opportunity to polish an artist's craft, Company/ Troupe members are leaders and mentors for younger students at Premiere Performing Arts. Solo, duo, and trio opportunities may also be granted to those artists who have earned the honor of representing themself on stage and at the competition. Company/ Troupe membership is a commitment to excellence and a wonderful way to work toward future goals as performers.